Category Archives: Uncategorized

Girl’s Night Out!

Girl’s Night Out!

Laura McKenna has hosted some pretty awesome STAR98 Girls Night Outs in the past.  Everything from jewelry making to cake decorating to hip-hop ballet dancing.   Keep listening to Steve & Laura to win your spot on our next Girls Night Out to see NUNSENSE: THE MEGA-MUSICAL on November 15th presented by UWGB Theatre & Dance…MORE

Totally 80’s Weekends….Fur Sure!

Star 98 flips the neon switch Fridays at 5 and cranks out the 80’s all weekend long.  From Madonna to Mellencamp, From Rick Springfield to Bruce Springsteen….we’ve got the “One Hit Wonders” and the “Super Stars of the 80’s” all weekend!      MORE

Does water on Mars mean there’s hope for life?

Does water on Mars mean there’s hope for life?

Potentially life-giving water still flows across the ancient surface of Mars from time to time, NASA scientists said Monday in revealing a potential breakthrough in both the search for life beyond Earth and human hopes to one day travel there.MORE


Concert Calandar